Life in the Military
Making an Impact
Service members have ample opportunities to contribute in lasting, meaningful ways to their communities and the world. Check out these stories to see how some service members are making an impact in the lives of others.

Damage Prevention

Damage Prevention
Sidney Wilson
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Navy“If we’re not growing and continuously learning and checking updated specifications and the systems that we have on board, if we’re not continuously challenging ourselves, we’re failing the crew.”
As a U.S. Navy damage controlman, Sidney’s job is to ensure all firefighting systems and damage-control equipment are safe and functional. Sidney’s priority is his crew’s safety, and, as their supervisor, he trains them regularly on preventative maintenance. He takes pride in knowing he’s keeping his crew and the ship safe and helping them survive any life-threatening situations, should they occur.
Sidney Wilson
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Navy

Disaster Aid & Relief

Disaster Aid & Relief
Jauntavia Prather
Specialist | Army National Guard“Just seeing the destruction and the devastation so close to home — I know what a hurricane can do. I’ve seen it often … and being someone that people reach out to for help, that’s big!”
After hurricanes damaged Army National Guard Spc. Jauntavia Prather’s hometown, she and fellow members of the South Carolina Army National Guard were called to provide aid. For Jauntavia’s unit, this meant doing everything from rescue and recovery to passing out water. Helping her community is what’s most important to Jauntavia, so this mission was a personal one. “I think when people go through something that’s traumatic or stressful, they’re constantly thinking, ‘How do I get out of this?’ They want someone who’s a strong figure. Even if they don’t know them, all their trust is in that person. Being that person for someone else is pretty cool,” she says.
Jauntavia Prather
Specialist | Army National Guard

Navigation & Communication

Navigation & Communication
Adrian Vasquez
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Coast Guard“The mission is something that I can really get behind and believe in, in terms of saving lives.”
Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Adrian Vasquez is no stranger to lending a helping hand. Once, while returning from a port call to Martinique, Adrian and his crew came across individuals who had been lost at sea for weeks. Suddenly, Adrian felt the gravity of his job. “These are people that happened to be out there, and I’m doing my job of being an electronics technician, but then I’m also contributing by standing watch and helping the boat operate and work. It’s tangible,” he says. For Adrian, more than anything, the impact and humanitarian aspect of the Coast Guard spoke to him. He’s found his purpose and himself in the Military.
Adrian Vasquez
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Coast Guard

Air Support

Air Support
David Toguchi
2ND LIEUTENANT | Army“I really want to make an impact on the people around me. I hope in a number of years, I’m still out there learning and helping people.”
While military helicopters support a variety of missions, David hopes to specialize in the Chinook because of its specific purpose: the transportation of troops, artillery, supplies and, in some cases, civilians. Without the comprehensive training David and his fellow pilots receive in flight school, they would not be able to perform this critical role to ensure Soldiers and civilians across the globe have aid when they need it, whether it be medical evacuation or delivering needed supplies.
David Toguchi


Cristaly Garcia-Ortiz
Corporal | Marine Corps“Throughout my career, I’ve been able to positively impact people in different ways through my service.”
Because she grew up in Puerto Rico with Spanish as her first language, Cpl. Garcia-Ortiz’s communications role did not come easily. However, through extensive training, and with the full support of her fellow Marines, she forged a meaningful career that impacts the health and safety of those around her. “If someone is in a dangerous situation, we’re there to make the call and ensure they get the support they need,” she says.
Cristaly Garcia-Ortiz
Corporal | Marine Corps

Supportive Services

Supportive Services
Dejanai Camacho
Petty Officer 3rd Class | Coast Guard“I love that you’re directly there to help people … not just civilians but people in the Coast Guard as well.”
Yeomen like Petty Officer 3rd Class Dejanai Camacho serve a specific purpose that helps every aspect of the Coast Guard run efficiently. “It really makes a difference in morale,” Dejanai says. “I think it really helps people to know that they have someone who’s going to take care of their admin needs, their pay needs and more, because those things all matter.” Every day, Dejanai sees firsthand how impactful the Military is on the lives of those who make up its ranks. “I just love the humanitarian aspect of the Coast Guard,” she says.
Dejanai Camacho
Petty Officer 3rd Class | Coast Guard

Leadership & Advancement

Leadership & Advancement
Dominique Velazquez
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Navy“My job is to give them everything that I can to make them better people, just as my leaders did with me.”
When Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique Velazquez was deployed to Japan, he began to take on leadership responsibilities. “I never saw myself as a leader, but I learned so much about managing my staff, facilitating projects and maintaining a cohesive work environment.” In his current position, Dominique is a leading petty officer, helping his fellow service members advance their careers. “I help them manage their work schedules, their personal lives and their volunteer opportunities,” he says.
Dominique Velazquez
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Navy

Public Safety

Public Safety
Christiane (Chrissy) LaRosa
Petty Officer 1st Class | Coast Guard Reserve“I truly believe my Coast Guard Reserve career assisted me in getting my civilian career moving,” she says. “I’d already been in the Reserve for two years prior to my application … a lot of those [military] experiences helped me move forward.”
Whether she’s patrolling the waters of Tampa Bay with the Coast Guard Reserve or with her civilian job at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Chrissy has embraced a life in law enforcement and working to ensure the safety of others. Chrissy’s wide-ranging Reserve experience opened up a number of possibilities with coastal law enforcement units in the civilian world, and ultimately helped her secure her civilian job as an FWC officer. In that role, she works full time maintaining the safety of recreational boaters and the surrounding wildlife.
Christiane (Chrissy) LaRosa
Petty Officer 1st Class | Coast Guard Reserve

Building Communities

Building Communities
Eduardo Hiraldo
SERGEANT | Army Reserve“I’m a first-generation military member. I’m also a first-generation police officer. I realized early on this is how life is supposed to be: everyone helping one another.”
Serving part time as a heavy-machine equipment operator, Eduardo spends a minimum of one weekend a month and two weeks a year operating and maintaining vehicles used to build roads, parking lots and more for everything from humanitarian missions to combat zones. Apart from his military service, Eduardo is a full-time police officer with the New York Police Department. He takes great pride in his role of looking out for others — both in New York and around the world. He knows that if he can do it, anyone can. “You can really be anything you want in life if you dedicate your time and go out there and achieve it,” he says.
Eduardo Hiraldo
SERGEANT | Army Reserve